Contact Us

Depending  upon  the  nature  of  your  communication,  you can contact  us  in  one  of  four ways. These are listed below.  Please ensure that your communication matches the relevant selection.

If  in  doubt,  please  use the  "Support"  option. This will  ensure that you reach the right person as quickly as possible.

Thank you





To enquire about an order, return or refund, click on the link to the right.

You may also use this selection to place an order, although we'd prefer you to do so via our online facilities on this site - see the appropriate 'detailed description page' for the item you wish to purchase.

Contact orders dep't.

For issues not covered by any of the above, click on the link to the right.

Contact Support dep't.

I regret that we are not looking for submissions at present.

Once we have established a marketing procedure that matches our requirements, and of course those of our authors, we shall certainly be interested in taking on new authors, but only when we can justify them placing the results of their hard work in our hands.  We can however accept any general enquiry relating to this subject, but under these circumstances, please do not send any manuscripts. These will not be returned.

Contact submissions dep't.

Media contacts may get in touch with us through this link.

Contact Media Support dep't.